Oilseed rape

Oilseed rape

This part of the platform contains protocols and methods for quantification of the main animal pests and diseases on oilseed rape, as well as their symptoms.

In this folder

This protocol presents a sampling method and a scoring scale to assess light leaf spot development in field experiments on oilseed rape at the leaf and pod level.

This protocol presents a sampling method and a scoring scale to assess stem canker development in field experiments on oilseed rape.

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Le guide comporte un document de présentation du mode opératoire (la zone d’observation, le déplacement dans la parcelle, les différentes observations possibles, les périodes d’observations, l’échelle de notation…) et des fiches de terrain spécifiques à la culture du colza.

A sound assessment of phoma stem canker symptoms is needed to develop epidemiological, agronomical and physiological studies on the pathosystem.

PHOMADIDACTE is a computer-aided training program for the severity assessment of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape (Leptosphaeria maculans). It was developed to enable the training of new disease assessors, as well as experienced raters.

This protocol presents scoring methods of leaf lesions and of crown canker to assess the resistance of oilseed rape cultivars to stem canker disease in field.

This protocol presents methods for monitoring of diseases and animal pests on oilseed rape, at the field scale. The following pests are observed: