Methodology for pest and pest injury quantification

Methodology for pest and pest injury quantification

This section aims at presenting some global concepts on pest quantification methodolgy.

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Le guide d'aide à l'élaboration de stratégie d'échantillonnage proposé par le projet CASIMIR vise à obtenir une information de type « diagnostic », à travers l'évaluation des populations de bioagresseurs et/ou d'ennemis naturels, ainsi que l'évaluation de dégâts et/ou l'évaluation des régulations biologiques.

New concepts in phytopathometry continue to emerge, such as the evolution of the concept of pathogen intensity versus the well-established concept of disease intensity. The concept of pathogen severity, defined as the quantitative measurement of the amount of pathogen per sampling unit has also emerged in response to the now commonplace development of quantitative molecular detection tools. Although the concept of disease severity, i.e., the amount of disease per sampling unit, is a well-established concept, the accuracy and precision of visual estimates of disease severity is often questioned.

Presentation dealing with field assessments in cereals given at a course for students.

This paper describes a system for quantifying the severity of a plant disease. It is based on two principles: (a) that the human eye is a photocell that reads in logarithms and (b) that it sees diseased tissue below 50% and healthy tissue above 50%.

Reliable, precise and accurate estimates of disease severity are important for predicting yield loss, monitoring and forecasting epidemics, for assessing crop germplasm for disease resistance, and for understanding fundamental biological processes including co-evolution.

This chapter from the book "Integrated Pest and Disease Managament in greenhouse crops" describes some of the methods used for quantification of pest and disease intensity on greenhouse crops.