Weeds identification

Identification of weeds

Identification of weeds is quite difficult and depends mainly on the development stage of the weeds at the identification date.
Some documents help technicians and experimenters in the determination of weed species in the field.
In order to optimise the use of these resources, it is often advised and necessary to take a course with weed scientists in order to know how to use them and to gain knowledge about the flora of a given region.

Training programs are also available HERE

In this folder

Cover of the book "The arable weeds of Europe"

This book contains descriptions and illustrations (mostly in colour) of 716 broadleaved weeds of arable land in Europe at stages of their life cycle from seeds to flowering.

Couverture du livre "Mauvaises herbes des cultures" publié par l'ACTA

This book permits to identify most important weeds encountered in French fields.

Screenshot of the Website Tela Botanica

The Tela Botanica network contributes to bringing together all francophone botanists with an ethic of knowledge sharing and respect for mankind and nature.

Ecran d'accueil HYPPA

HYPPA est une base encyclopédique illustrée sur les adventices des cultures comportant des données sur la nomenclature, la description des semences, plantules et plantes adultes ainsi que l'écologie de plus de mauvaises herbes des cultures de France et d'Europe occidentale.