Pear tree

Pear tree

In this part of the platform, protocols and methods are given for quantification of the main animal pests and diseases on pear tree, as well as their symptoms.

In this folder

Description: This protocol presents a visual, non destructive quantification method based on abundance classes for quick monitoring of diseases (pear scab, brown spot disease) and animal pests (codling moth,oriental fruit moth, tortrix moth, scales, pear-bedstraw aphid, pear sawfly, pear psyllid, <i>acaridae</i>, <i>eriophyroidea</i>) on pear tree, at the field scale.

Earwigs are generalist predatory arthropods which are natural enemies of various pomefruit pests. As they are mainly active at night, this method permits to evaluate their numbers during the day when they are not active.