

This part of the platform contains protocols and methods for identification of the main animal pests and diseases on pea, as well as their symptoms.

In this folder

<i>Aschochyta blight</i> on pea is caused by the fungi <i>Mycosphaerella pinodes, Aschochyta pisi and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella</i>.

This page of the Ministry of Agriculture of the government of Saskatchewan (CA) contain facts about ascochyta blight of field pea: characteristics of the disease, symptoms...

This book (in French!) contains a collection of slides illustrating the main diseases on pea: fusarium, ascochyta blight, downy mildew, bacteriosis, botrytis, powdery mildew.

Root rot on pea is caused by the fungus-like oomycete <i>Aphanomyces euteiches</i>.

Arable crops offer aphids huge colonisation spaces. This book describes 35 dangerous species using essential data in the development of efficient, environmentally-friendly control methods.