Ascochyta blight on pea

Ascochyta blight on pea

<i>Aschochyta blight</i> on pea is caused by the fungi <i>Mycosphaerella pinodes, Aschochyta pisi and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella</i>.

Life cycle

Life cycle of Mycosphaerella pinodes on pea
Life cycle of Mycosphaerella pinodes on pea (Copyright Bernard TIVOLI, INRA).

Development of the symptoms

Mycosphaerella pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella

The disease is present on all the plants of the field.


Symptoms of ascochyta blight (caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes or Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella) on pea leaves
Symptoms of ascochyta blight (caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes or Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella) on pea leaves (Copyright Bernard TIVOLI, INRA).

Numerous spots, then irregular necroses on all the plants, developing from the basis to the top.


Symptoms of ascochyta blight on pea stems
Symptoms of ascochyta blight on pea stems (Copyright Bernard TIVOLI, INRA).

Superficial brown girdling necroses on the stem.


Symptoms of ascochyta blight on pea pods
Symptoms of ascochyta blight on pea pods (Copyright Bernard TIVOLI, INRA).

Diffuse, dark-coloured symptoms on the pods and the seeds.

Aschochyta pisi

The disease is present in foci in the field.


Limited number of lesions with well-delimitated outlines, developing on isolated plants. The symptoms are randomly disributed on the plant.


On stems and petioles: light-coloured, concave necroses.


Symptoms of ascochyta blight (caused by Ascochyta pisi) on pea plant

On pods: round and well-delimited symptoms.