CASE 4 - White ears are visible on some isolated tillers only

CASE 4 - White ears are visible on some isolated tillers only

  • Lens-shaped lesions on inter-nodes at the stem base of the plant, lodging is not frequent: The symptoms are due to Eyespot
  • Grey lesions on the inter-nodes at the stem base of the plant when the stem is necrosed, bent or broken in the centre of the lesion, lodging is frequent: The symptoms are due to Eyespot
  • Lesions with dark brown borders and light centre, sometimes only the nervures of leaf sheaths remain. Symptoms on stems can occur up to 30 cm above the soil line, lodging is not frequent: The symptoms are due to Sharp eyespot
  • Often associated with lodging. Small pupa under the leaf sheath: The symptoms are due to Hessian fly

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